Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Jiang Zemin decided to ban Falun Gong in 1999? (Story - Part 1)

In 1999, Jiang Zemin was jealous of Falun Gong's popularity and even so when its founder - Li Hongzhi was more respected than him then in China. So jealousy drove him to force all the government organizations to slander and denounce Falun Gong, using radio, TV, and newspapers to lie endlessly...

Falun Gong was introduced to the public by its founder in May 1992. Teacher Li traveled to the major cities of China for the next two and a half years, tirelessly teaching the Fa to people. Thus Falun Gong quietly yet quickly spread all over China.

Chinese words in picture: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Meanwhile, a tyrant named Jiang Zemin rose to power in China. Through endless scheming and plotting, he finally attained the power that he always coveted.

Jiang had a Magic Mirror that would answer the questions dearest to his heart. One day, fearfully thinking about anyone that might take away his power, he asked the mirror, "Oh Magic Mirror, who has the heart of the Chinese people?" The Magic Mirror answered, "Falun Gong."

Jiang was shocked, "Falun Gong? Never heard of it!" He was deflated, and even though everyone knew that Falun Gong teaches people to be good and kind, he didn't believe it and was stricken with fear and paranoia -- he told the high-level officials secretly: "We must stamp out Falun Gong!"

The local officials knew that Falun Gong improves people's health, raises their morality, stabilizes society, and even saves the country so much on medical bills. So they just paid Jiang some lip service and didn't really plan on giving practitioners a hard time.

Words in the cartoon: "Don't worry -- we won't make trouble for you -- go ahead and practice!"