Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Origin of Human and forbidden archeology

Archeology? here is 1 video that is interesting^^

Here is another interesting reading about archeology -^^ [A good number of you have probably heard of the term prehistoric culture, which is also called prehistoric civilization. Let’s talk about prehistoric civilization. On the earth there is Asia, Europe, South America, North America, Oceania, Africa, and Antarctica, which geologists group together as continental plates. It’s been tens of millions of years since the continental plates formed, or you could say, a number of land masses rose from the ocean floor, and a lot of land masses sank to the bottom of the sea, and it’s been tens of millions of years since they stabilized as they are now. But at the bottom of a lot of oceans people have found tall and large ancient structures, the structures have elegant designs, and they aren’t cultural remains from today’s human race. So they must have been built before they sank to the sea bottom. Then who was it tens of millions of years ago that started those civilizations?] - By Li Hongzhi

‎[可能有许多人听说过“史前文化”,也叫“史前文明”,我们就讲那个史前文明。在地球上有亚洲、欧洲、南美、北美、大洋洲、非洲和南极洲,地质学家把它们统称为“大陆板块”。大陆板块形成到今天为止,已经有几千万年的历史了。也就是说,有许多陆地是从海底升上来的,也有许多陆地沉积到海底去了,稳定下来到今天这个状态已有几千万年的历史了。可是在许多大洋底下,却发现了一些高大的古代建筑,这些建筑物雕塑的非常精美,不是我们现在人类的文化遗产,那么,它肯定是沉积到海底之前建造的。那么几千万年前是谁创造了这些文明呢?] -李洪志 <轉法輪>