Saturday, January 11, 2014

[MV] Sonic Belle – Lambs to Slaughter (待宰羔羊) ft. Rise Ascend


Lambs to the slaughter, gone without trace
Doctor, how could you fall so far from grace?
Breath in their lungs and their bodies still warm
Their organs are stolen and sold to the world
And the animals upstairs take a slice of Falun Gong
Lambs to slaughter
Sons and daughters
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten
Lambs to slaughter
Made to order
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten you
Skinned and dismembered, plastic filled veins
Corpses lined up like a circus display
Mothers with babies unborn in their wombs
They were tortured to death, now defiled in their tombs
And unknowingly we gawk while the devil takes his dues
Lambs to slaughter
Sons and daughters
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten
Lambs to slaughter
Made to order
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten you
Under the cover of the dark, they load them on a train
Someone ordered a heart, men and women in chains
Transported to slaughter, blood warm in their veins
Innocent sons and daughters, this is truly insane
How can we explain, the word inhumane doesn’t scratch the surface
In fact, doctors in service of killing for the regime
Retribution awaits so blood is washed clean
Such a terrible fate, we hope the people awaken
Innocent lives, can we stand by and let these people die?
Everybody stand up, stand up, stand up
Lambs to slaughter
Sons and daughters
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten
Lambs to slaughter
Made to order
Tears are falling
We haven’t forgotten you
待宰羔羊就此 销声匿迹 
医生怎能如此 没有操守
气息尚存 身子依旧暖和
器官却被盗取 卖到各地
高高在上的畜牲 利用法轮功牟利
扒皮肢解 塑料灌进血管
尸体有如 马戏班地展览
肚子里怀着 孩子的妈妈
活着被折磨 死后被羞辱
不明就里我们呆呆看着 魔鬼得逞 
在夜幕的掩护下 他们被装上火车
有人要买心脏 链子锁着羔羊 
屠宰场路上 血还在奔流
无辜的男女 疯狂的行径
不人道不足以 用来形容 这样的罪恶
为这个体制效 命而杀人的医生啊
天理昭昭 报应不爽
如此的惨烈 大家觉醒吧
一条条无辜的生命 我们怎能坐视不理 
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