Thursday, October 12, 2017

Majestic Eiffel Tower paid tribute to 2 tragedies last week—Las Vegas shooting and persecution of Falun Gong

After having witnessed many silent protests and vigils, the majestic Eiffel Tower has become more than just an architectural beauty. It now stands as a beacon of hope and as the symbol of peace for many. In the last one week, this 324 m (1,063 ft) tall sparkling heritage of Paris has paid tribute to two horrific tragedies—the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong meditation in China and the Las Vegas shooting.

#1. Falun Gong Candlelight Vigil of Sept. 30

The dazzling tower is a permanent majestic fixture on the Paris skyline, and this week has seen it blinking with soft candlelight as more than 300 Falun Gong practitioners came together from all over Europe to hold a vigil on the eve of Sept. 30. They were there to commemorate the millions of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted and killed in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for their beliefs based on the universal values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Many tourists were drawn towards the peaceful and beautiful sight of the practitioners sitting in meditation as they honored the Falun Gong adherents in China who suffer horrifically under a brutal regime since 1999, with thousands losing their lives.
 Falun Gong meditators face horrendous torture and even forced organ harvesting in China, yet there is not an angry face to be seen, no violence or any anti-social activity—they embody compassion and forbearance, and show the way forward for the world.

#2. Las Vegas Shooting of Oct. 1

Less than 24 hours later, on Oct.1, the tower again was the center of prayers for fallen ones, but this time it dimmed its lights in respect for the horrible tragedy in Las Vegas, when a crazed shooter opened fire and killed at least 59 people and injured 527 others at a music concert.
“Tonight we will turn off the Eiffel Tower from midnight in homage to the victims of the attacks in Marseille and Las Vegas,” Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo wrote on social media, and added the hashtag “we are united.”
The tower this time stands in darkness to honor those killed in Las Vegas, in contrast to her usual sparkle.


With all the turmoil happening on our planet recently, the world indeed needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Isn’t it the right time to practice these three universal moral values?! We wish you all peace and love.
Photo Credit: and Official twitter account La Tour Eiffel.


WATCH CCP Brutal persecution of Falun Gong 中共迫害法輪功