Sunday, February 5, 2023

[] Letter from Austrian Practitioner to the Chinese People on Chinese New Year (Photo)

 ( February 01, 2003

The author and her son doing Falun Gong exercises

Honored Ladies and Gentlemen:

At the occasion of Chinese New Year I want to wish you well, and also want to convey some of my thoughts.

A new year in particular is an occasion to become informed about some things and to express hope for a better future for our fellow man.

Let me introduce myself — I am a white Caucasian European woman from a country possibly not entirely unknown to you, Austria. Perhaps you have viewed some of the movies made in our country in your own land of China, such as “The Sound of Music,” and “Sissy.” What I have received from your country, however, is incomparable to anything else!

I had the unprecedented good fortune to obtain Falun Gong!

I had bought the book Zhuan Falunin 1998, and since then my life has completely changed. I finally know what it means to be a good person, have discovered the purpose of life and experienced a much richer and more beautiful existence. I don’t mean for you to get the impression that only poor people embrace a spiritual path — on the contrary. I had led a life where nothing material was lacking and had enjoyed good health. I come from a wealthy family.

Perhaps you might have noted that all of the incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners in China are peaceable, upright citizens. They don’t hit back when they are beaten, they do not retort when scolded; that in itself ought to be food for thought.

You are probably aware already that the whole world is observing the horrid deeds in China, and that by now the Chinese propaganda machinery has lost its credibility, and no country in the world believes that Falun Gong practitioners are bad people in need of persecution.

I want to send you this poem, written by a person who does NOT practice Falun Gong:

When you can start your day without caffeine and stimulants

When you can remain content in spite of pain and suffering

When you can resist bothering and bore others with your problems

When you are grateful for the same nourishment, day after day

When you can overlook people who vent their frustration on you

over things that went wrong without them being your fault

When you can bear criticism and scolding without rancor

When you can look the world in the face without lies and deceit

When you can overcome distress without medical help

When you can relax without resorting to alcohol

When you can sleep without the aid of pills

When you can do all these things —

Then in all probability you are a true Falun Gong practitioner.

That is exactly how people in the West view practitioners, and you can imagine then why no one understands why the practitioners in China are being tortured to death — that this is happening we here all know to be true!!!

Looked at from another viewpoint, please consider this — the whole world has an excellent opinion of Falun Gong and its practitioners, and this wonderful system comes from your own country. How proud you must be! All kinds of different countries are attempting business relationships with China and wish to visit your country. Visualize further that natural catastrophes would no longer exist, peace and harmony would prevail — just think about your children, what a fantastic future they could expect!

No matter what the Chinese propaganda machinery cooks up, to answer the question, “Who is this Li Hingzhi?” it must become clear to you that he cannot be a conventional human being. Someone who explains to others how to cultivate oneself, how to become a good person, how one lives a life of compassion, without lies and deceit; he is such a person, whose path 100 million people follow. One Hundred Million! Worldwide!!! All races, in 60 countries!

Prior to last summer I had never seen Mr. Li Hongzhi, only from photographs. I am asking you sincerely once again — can a person who teaches people to become good, and has not only Chinese people practice his system, but also Indians, Native Americans, Whites, Blacks and others, all from varying cultures and backgrounds, be a conventional personage? They all have understood the correct, upright values of his words.

I guarantee you that should you say, “I can do that, too,” you will never succeed, not even in your own family where everyone is guided by your words and where everyone attempts to become a good person.

There is serious reason for concern if one defames such a one and persecutes his practitioners who are heeding his teachings. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will reap its own peril.

We overseas will never tire to set visiting Chinese tourists straight about the situation. Foreign governments likewise continue to implore the Chinese government to stop the persecution.

It is known all throughout history that the good will prevail. Where will you, yourself end up if you denounce and defame this grand cultivation way?

I hope to have given you some reasons to think as your New Year approaches and wish you all the best.


A practitioner from Austria

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH Compassionate Choir Singing Coming For You 为你而来
