Monday, February 26, 2024

[] Harbin Dafa Practitioner Zhou Jingsen Dies of Torture

 October 26, 2003


Mr. Zhou Jingsen, 69 years old, was a Dafa practitioner from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. For his belief in Dafa, he was arrested and jailed with Team Four of Changlinzi Labor Camp.

Zhou Jingsen was brutally tortured at the camp. (Photo source:

Because he refused to coordinate with the evil, he was brutally tortured at the camp. As a result, he developed scabies all over his body, from his neck to his ankles. He was so emaciated that he couldn’t even sit straight. The police forced all practitioners, including Zhou Jingsen, to sit during the day, not allowing them to make any move. Oftentimes Zhou Jingsen fell and other people had to get him up. Even so, the police still wouldn’t release Zhou.

Later Yang Yu, a team officer, moved Zhou Jingsen to a room and detained him there, and still wouldn’t set him free.

One month later some high-up officials came to inspect the camp, and found Zhou Jingsen bedridden. Not wanting to take any responsibility should Zhou die, they finally released him. Just several days after his return home, he passed away.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

CLICK LINK BELOW TO WATCH: Warning >>> 30-Year-Old Radio Host, Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Jiazhou Prison, Video Points to Torture in Custody
