Thursday, February 3, 2011

在中国的大屠杀 Holocaust in China



Jealous and fearing Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity was overshadowing his own legacy, then-Party leader Jiang Zemin ordered the practice “eradicated.”


Jiang Zemin creates the {{610 Office}}, a secret security agency with a mandate to eradicate Falun Gong.


Jiang grants authority over all local levels of police, government, and courts, and the 610 Office for arresting, torturing, and killing the Falun Gong.



调查报告 -

Evidences show that tens of thousands of practitioners have been custom-killed for their organs. The practitioners' murdered bodies were quietly and quickly cremated to destroy the evidence.

Report -

1999年7.20以来的六年中,通过民间途径能够传出消息的已有 3418名法轮功学员被迫害致死,而全国被非法判刑的法轮功学员至少有6000人,被非法劳教的人数超过10万人,数千人被强迫送入精神病院受到破坏中枢神经药物的摧残。

3418 practitioners are confirmed to have died in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Over 100,000 have been sentenced to forced labor camps.
Many thousand mentally-healthy practitioners have been locked up in psychiatric hospitals....


Hopefully, the horrific graphic photos presented here will lead all those who read them to stand up and speak out to help stop the persecution of Falun Gong.

Photos from: MINGHUI.ORG      
Music: Theme song from Schindler's List