Monday, April 4, 2011

加拿大纪录片揭露中共迫害法轮功真相 Canadian Documentary Exposes the Persecution of Falun Gong in China

【明慧网二零一一年三月二十八日】(明慧记者加拿大报道)二零一一年三月二十七日,“同一个自由世界”国际组织(One Free World International)在加拿大多伦多举行纪录片《自由战士》(Freedom Fighter)首演式。影片展示了宗教信仰在世界上受到迫害的情况,其中包括了仍在中国发生的针对法轮功的迫害。当天有数千人分两场观看了这部纪录片。

By a Minghui correspondent in Canada
( One Free World International, an international human rights organization, held a premiere screening of the documentary “Freedom Fighter” on March 27, 2011, in Toronto, Canada. The film depicts the global persecution of religious beliefs, including the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China, which has been ongoing since 1999. Thousands of people attended two screening sessions of the film.

“同一个自由世界”总裁沙菲(Majed El Shafie)在影片中采访了曾在中国大陆受过迫害的法轮功学员何立志,以及近几年来一直在调查中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的加拿大前资深政治家乔高(David Kilgour)等人士。

三月二十七日,“同一个自由世界”国际组织(One Free World International)总裁沙菲(Majed El Shafie)在纪录片《自由战士》(Freedom Fighter)首演式上说:所有受迫害,以及不愿见到迫害的人团结起来,就能战胜邪恶。 Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, spoke at the premiere of the documentary “Freedom Fighter” on March 27, 2011, saying that all persecuted and people who don't want to see persecution are united, and they will be able to conquer evil.
In the film, Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, interviewed Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Lizhi who had previously suffered the persecution in China; David Kilgour, former Canadian veteran politician who has been investigating the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and others.


Mr. He Lizhi recounted his three and a half years of prison life in China due to his telling others the facts about Falun Gong. During his detention, he was subjected to electric shocks and sleep deprivation. He was stripped of his clothes and doused with cold water on winter days, which resulted in him having a high fever for several months. But the prison authorities didn't give him any medical treatment. Mr. He said, “Torture almost took my life.”

乔高在影片中讲述了在调查中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行中发现的证据。人权律师Chantal Desloges则说到,中共使用类似前苏联的劳改所,迫害法轮功学员及其他的信仰人士。

David Kilgour talked about the evidence uncovered during an investigation of the CCP's crimes of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Human rights lawyer Chantal Desloges said that the CCP has employed labor camps similar to the former Soviet Union in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and other religious believers.

放映结束后,全场观众起立,向沙菲鼓掌致意。加拿大移民部长肯尼(Jason Kenney),总理国会秘书Pierre Poilievre及国会人权委员会副主席Mario Silva出席了影片首演式,并分别在讲话中强调加拿大对人权的重视。

After the screening, the audience gave Rev. Majed EI Shafie a standing ovation. In attendance for the premiere were the Minister of Immigration, the Honorable Jason Kenney; Member of Parliament, Pierre Poilievre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister; and Mario Silva, Deputy Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the Canadian Government. They each stressed in their speeches that Canada attaches great importance to human rights.


Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Huang Xin was illegally sentenced to eight years in China for practicing Falun Gong before she came to Canada in 2010. She said there are many Falun Gong practitioners detained in China's prisons. In addition to being subjected to electric shock and other tortures in prison, she was forced to take psychiatric drugs for more than four years. As a result she experienced slowness in moving, lack of appetite, mental dullness, persistent fatigue, and uncontrolled drooling. After watching the documentary, Ms. Huang said she was moved that the Canadian government attaches such importance to human rights.

参加首演式的加拿大法轮大法佛学会发言人契普卡(Joel Chipkar)说,中共费尽心机想封住法轮功学员及支持者的口,到处派特务,将法轮功视为他们最大的敌人。“因为法轮功是遭到中共迫害最严重的团体,法轮功是中共反人类主要罪行的见证。无数法轮功学员在中国被酷刑折磨,被杀害,器官被摘取。”

Joel Chipkar, spokesperson for the Canadian Falun Dafa Association said, "The Communist government is trying very hard to silence Falun Gong and its supporters. The Chinese government has spies everywhere, Falun Gong is the No.1 enemy of the Communist government, because Falun Gong is the No.1 persecuted group from the Communist government, and Falun Gong is the evidence that the Communist government is guilty for major crimes against humanity. They are guilty of murdering tens of thousands of people, organ harvesting, torture and death."


It took Rev. Majed El Shafie over four years to complete the documentary. He traveled on fact-finding missions to investigate and document human rights abuses against religious minorities around the world, focusing on Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and China. When he learned about the atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China, he said, “It broke my heart that it's happening in China.” “No matter how strong the Chinese government is, no matter how powerful the Chinese government is, you can stand up for justice, you can stand up for your rights. We are always with you, don't think you're alone,” he said.

From:加拿大纪录片揭露中共迫害法轮功真相(图)-238211.html (Chinese) (English)