Thursday, April 21, 2011

日本避难所的法轮功学员身影 Teaching Falun Gong at Japan's Quake Zone

文/日本法轮功学员 By a practitioner in Japan


( The recent earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear power plant accident in Japan has shocked and saddened everyone. As of April 18, 2011, nearly 150,000 victims were still staying in more than 1800 disaster shelters. During recent weeks, a group of Falun Gong practitioners went to the disaster area and introduced Falun Dafa to the victims to help them experience relaxation and healing amidst the tragedy.



On April 9, more than 30 Chinese Falun Gong practitioners left Tokyo for shelters in Miyagi Prefecture and nearby.

Ten of the practitioners went to a shelter about 60 kilometers (about 37 miles) from the number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima. It is a spacious indoor sports center. The victims are residents from within 20 kilometers of the nuclear power plant. The ongoing crisis of the nuclear power plant accidents causes them great anxiety. Walking into the shelter, one can feel the tenseness in the atmosphere.


These practitioners are from Tokyo and lived there for many years. They received help from Japanese people in their life and wished to share the Falun Gong practice, which they think is the best way to relieve stress, with the victims.



Many victims of all ages in the shelter carefully learned the practice. The shelter staff, who are victims as well, also lined up to learn the Falun Gong exercises.


A practitioner said afterwards, “I noticed that people gradually appeared refreshed and smiling after the practice.” Some elderly people said, “I felt cold just moment ago. After practicing the exercises, I feel very warm and relaxed.” Commenting on the peaceful movements, a man in his 60s said, “No wonder it is traditional culture of several thousand years.”



As of April 18, Falun Gong practitioners visited several dozen shelters in Sendai, Ishinomaki City, Kesennuma City, East Matsushima, Fukushima City, and taught the victims the Falun Gong exercises. Some areas were damaged by the tsunami. Some shelters had few volunteers due to radiation leaks. However, the victims in the shelters frequently saw Falun Gong practitioners during the past two weeks.


Before the practitioners left the shelters, the victims expressed their appreciation, “We thank Falun Gong practitioners from Tokyo for their teaching of the beneficial practice and their sincere hearts.” People stood and applauded warmly while nodding their heads to express their appreciation.

Photo from: Facebook道何 (English)炼功音乐在日本地震避难所中回响(图)-239368.html (Chinese)