Sunday, March 23, 2014

本周图片 Photo of the Week– 印尼雅加达无车日 法轮功学员集体炼功 Indonesia: Demonstrating Falun Gong on Car-Free Day

Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises on Car-Free Sunday in Jakarta


( After a few weeks of rain, March 16, another Car-Free Sunday in Jakarta, Indonesia, was a bright sunny day. The main street was closed to cars, and pedestrians were encouraged to participate in more outdoor activities.
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises, bringing the peacefulness and beauty of Falun Gong to the busy city.
Many people stopped by and spoke to the practitioners, and some of them followed along in doing the exercises.
An Indonesian-Chinese watched the exercises for an hour. He told the practitioners later that he really liked the peaceful movements, and that he would look for more Falun Gong information online.
Two gentlemen traveling from Sumatra had seen Falun Gong practitioners in their hometown. “Falun Gong teaches people to be truthful and compassionate,” one of them said, “The teaching of forbearance is very important, too.”
The other one indicated interest in learning the exercises, and said that he would look for his local exercise site upon returning home.
A local resident who had worked in Hong Kong commented: “I saw Falun Gong there, and I know that it’s being persecuted in China. People have no freedom of belief there.” He took a variety of Falun Gong materials before he left.