Tuesday, March 25, 2014

波兰最大媒体报道:华沙恐怖尸展遭质疑 Poland: Media Reports on Protest Against the “Bodies Revealed” Exhibit

波兰法轮功学员在华沙化工研究所门前,手持横幅要求澄清尸展真相 Falun Gong practitioners in Poland protest in front of the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland, and call for an investigation of the bodies at the exhibition. The banner says: “Disclose the Truth of These Chinese Bodies, Show Documentations of Donations, Conduct DNA Tests to Prove that These Bodies Are Not Those of Dissidents.”

波兰媒体采访法轮功学员 Polish reporter interviews a Falun Gong practitioner


【明慧网二零一四年三月二十三日】二零一四年三月十二日晚,波兰最大的报纸《选举报》网站以《备受争议的尸展 第一天即遭质疑》为题,报道了当天在华沙市中心化工研究所内举办的人体尸展第一天就遭到波兰法轮功学员质疑的新闻。报道说:研究所内展出的尸体有二百多具,主要来源于中国,这种展示中国人尸体和器官的展览,开展第一天就引起波兰华人愤怒,波兰法轮功学员质疑这些人可能是被中国共产党谋杀的不同政见者,抗议横幅上写着:
要求公布这些源于中国的尸体真相 要求出示死亡者捐献自己身体的证明,要求进行DNA检测以证明这些人不是(被谋杀的)持不同政见者
报道说:这些尸体的持有者为美国第一展览(Company Premier Exhibitions)公司,来华沙主办展览会的是捷克JVS集团有限公司,波兰华沙化工研究所提供展览场地。展览时间从三月十二日至六月结束。
March 24, 2014 |   By Falun Gong practitioners in Poland
(Minghui.org) The Electoral Gazette (Gazeta Wyborcza) published an online article on March 12, 2014, the opening day of the “Bodies Revealed” exhibition, reporting on questions posed by Falun Gong practitioners regarding the source of the bodies.
Practitioners who joined the protest in front of the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw, the venue of the exhibition, strongly demanded that the Polish government investigate the source of the bodies, conduct DNA examination of the corpses, and stop any crimes and human rights violations committed under the name of “scientific education.”
The report states that the over 200 bodies in the exhibition at the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw mainly come from China. Such an exhibition of dead bodies and organs angered the Polish Chinese on the first day. Polish Falun Gong practitioners also wondered if those bodies came from Chinese dissidents killed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The bodies belong to Premier Exhibitions, a U.S. company. The presenter is the JVS Group from the Czech Republic. The Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw provided the venue. The exhibit runs from March 12 to the end of June.
According to the report, even though the JVS Group is licensed to run such an exhibition, it cannot answer the following questions: Who are these dead bodies? What happened to them? How did they die? Nor could the JVS Group show any certification of these bodies’ donations.
The New York Times reported on May 29, 2008 that Premier Exhibitions Inc. warned visitors during the human body exhibitions that “what you’re going to see may come from prisoners persecuted and executed in China.” It directly pointed out that the source of the bodies was from Chinese police.
It has been widely speculated that plastination is the next step for the dead bodies of Falun Gong practitioners whose organs have been harvested for profit, a crime exposed across the globe. Many governmental agencies, including the European Parliament, have passed resolutions to condemn this atrocity.
Upon visiting the same 2013 exhibition in Vienna, Virginia in the United States, Ethan Gutmann, one of the subject matter experts on the issue of organ harvesting, wrote for the Weekly Standard : “… in Vienna I’m noticing that the liver and kidneys appear to be missing from some of the plastinated bodies on display. Is it conceivable that there were dual-use bodies, the organs harvested before plastination? And could those kidneys and livers still be alive inside aged Chinese and Japanese, Europeans and Americans?”