Tuesday, September 27, 2011

长春插播撕开铁幕 壮举幸存者命危 Changchun TV High Jacking Hero’s Life in Danger (W/ English Sub)



新唐人电视台 http://www.ntdtv.com


















Changchun TV High Jacking Hero’s Life in Danger

About ten years ago, Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun, China, successfully broadcasted the true story of Falun Gong. They managed to break through the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s information blockade by splicing into the television’s signal, causing a pretty big stir inside and outside of China.

Former CCP leader, Jiang Zemin was extremely frightened about the incident and issued a secret order to "Kill all Falun Gong practitioners on sight, sparing no one." A large number of practitioners were arrested and sentenced, with many being tortured to death. Among them is Sun Changjun, who was illegally sentenced to
17 years in prison, and is currently in critical condition, due to torture.

Around 8:00 p.m. on March 5, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun City successfully broadcasted about 45 minutes worth of programs such as Falun Dafa Around the World and The Self-Immolation Incident Is a Hoax, and other the truth clarification programs, on eight cable channels.

That night, hundreds of thousands of people in Changchun watched the true story of Falun Gong. By viewing the program, The Self-Immolation Incident Is a Hoax in slow motion, obvious flaws in the China Central Television’s (CCTV) coverage of the self-immolation incident in Tianamen Square, became obvious. The next day, people all over Changchun talked about the fact that Chunling Liu was killed by a police officer at the scene.

Changchun is the birthplace of Falun Gong, and also the hometown of Falun Gong founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. In July 1999, Jiang Zemin started the persecution against Falun Gong, using the whole country’s propaganda machine to slander the spiritual practice.

On the night of the Falun Gong truth clarification broadcast, Jiang Zemin followed the suggestions of Zeng Qinghong and Luo Gan. Jiang ordered the Changchun Military District and Jinlin Military Police to be on high alert. Jiang issued the order: "Kill all Falun Gong practitioners on sight, sparing no one." The CCP’s Central

Political and Legislative Committee Party secretary, Luo Gan, led the investigation team. About 5,000 Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun were arrested that same year and at least seven people were beaten to death, including Liu Haibo, Hou Mingkai, Liu Yi, Li Shuqin, and Li Rong.

Fifteen people were illegally sentenced from 4-20 years.
Sun Changjun was sentenced to 17 years, and has been detained for nine years, now.

Sun Changjun, 35, was kidnapped and sent to Jinlin Prison’s 40th Section on October 25, 2002. On the same night, prison guard, Li Yongsheng persuaded a number of prisoners to beat Sun with used rubber tubes, fracturing his ribs.

In July 2005, due to long term persecution, Sun suffered bleeding in his pulmonary cavity, due to a case of tuberculosis. In November 2007, Sun Changjun’ health worsened, causing both pleural and abdomen effusion. However, Jilin Prison officials refused to grant him medical parole.

From March 2011 until the present, Sun Changjun’s condition has steadily deteriorated, putting his life at risk. Jilin Prison refuse to grant Sun medical parole and continue to torture him because he refuses to give up his belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance and because he refuses to write the so-called “Five Statements,” namely: “Break-up Statement,” “Repentance Statement,” “Statement of Criticism,” “State of Guarantee,” and “Statement of Determination.”

Jian Lihua, a Changchun Falun Gong practitioner: "As reported on Minghui.org, Sun Cangjun, as well as other Falun Gong practitioners, were all were tortured. If an ordinary people were tortured like he was,
they would have collapsed both mentally and physically. What he endured was far beyond a human being’s limit."

Minghui.org appeals to all righteous people around the world to lend a hand to rescue Sun Changjun and bring him home.

Those who were directly involved in the Falun Gong TV transmission, include Liu Chengjun, Liang Zhenxing, and Lei Ming, who were all tortured to death. On March 24, 2002, Liu Chengjun was kidnapped.

Police officers shot videos of him in shackles then fired two rounds into his legs, causing serious injuries.

Later, Liu Chengjun was sentenced to 19 years in prison. On December 26, 2003 he was tortured to death.

The practitioners who risked their lives to break through the CCP’s information blockage are all heroes and will not be forgotten. |On September 5, 2007, Liu Chenjun was awarded the "Loyalty Award" by the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Foundation in New South Wales Parliament House, Australia.

Lan Lihua: “When I was imprisoned, I was subjected to unimaginable tortures. But one prisoner leader told me, ‘The tortures you endured are nothing compared to those who spliced into the CCTV.’”
They told me that all of those people entered the prison standing, but all had to be carried out in the end.”

Wang Yuhuan was also among the 5,000 practitioners arrested in Changchun. At the end of 2005, famous human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, published his third open letter to the CCP leaders titled,
Immediately Stop the Barbarism That Kills Our Nation’s Conscience and Moral Values.

The letter records his interview with Wang Yuhuan, who was described by Gao as a ‘saint who stepped down from a tiger’s bench.’ On September 24, 2007, Wang Yuhuan was persecuted to death.

Minghui.org points out that Jilin Prison is covered with the blood of Falun Gong practitioners.

However, justice will prevail and the evil will be punished. The crimes committed by the CCP prisons have been recorded, and will stand as a witness at the perpetrator’s trial!

NTD Reporter Changchun, Li Yuanhan and Bo Ni

From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/09/27/a594341.html#video