Friday, May 20, 2011

吃狼奶长大 中国愤青一代 Chinese Youth Growing Up "On Wolf's Milk" (W/ English Sub)


















Growing Up “On Wolf's Milk”

Many Chinese netizens think Bin Laden was a hero and his death was unfortunate. When Japan's earthquake took place in March, over 20,000 people were killed or went missing. Some Chinese netizens gloated over this disaster. Extreme nationalist sentiments fermented in China. Scholars point out that this is the result of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) brainwashing. China's “angry youth” have a distorted mentality.

When the September 11 terrorist attacks took place, angry youth cheered on campuses in China, saying that the U.S. deserved the attacks. When Bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, there were mixed reactions among China's youth.

Zhang Xin, directory of CCTV's Military Channel, said, "Bin Laden is the Arab world's greatest hero." Netizens demanded his apology and resignation. However, there were also voices supporting him. In a poll on among 500,000 voters, 60% chose "It's sad an anti-American fighter fell."

Hong Kong-based China analyst Li Chongguang told Deutsche Welle that some young netizens have this tendency, called by Chinese scholar Yuan Weishi, "growing up on wolf's milk." Due to CCP's long-term ideology indoctrination, they possess a blind hatred towards the West.

Fang Zheng lost his legs in the Tiananmen uprising, said that poisoned by CCP's culture of violence, some Chinese people's mentality has been twisted.

Fang: “CCP's state terrorism education is closely related to this kind of environment. A terrible reality combined with brainwashing education, they have made people incapable of independence, thinking or making judgment. This is very scary.”

Fang said that this is a disaster for the entire nation, leading to all kinds of vicious incidents in China.

Fang: “Terrible cases such as Yao Jiaxin's and 'My Dad Is Li Gang', are very terrifying.” These types of 'small terrorists' are everywhere in China. CCP created people without humanity.”

Yao Jiaxin is a Xi'an Conservatory of Music student. In late 2010, he crashed into female migrant worker. Fearing that she recorded his license plate number, he stabbed her 8 times with a knife, killing her. While fleeing the scene, he hit 2 more people.

Current issues' commentator Wei Pu said Yao is the victim of CCP's "patriotic education," which is “child-murdering” and excludes civics. Students in Beijing pledge allegiance to CCP's flag to "always love the party and the state."

Current issues' commentator Zhang Tianliang: “Lots of people mixed patriotism with loving CCP. It is a kind of party culture element in nationalism. Chinese nationalism is, to a large extent, based on CCP's party culture and on hatred.”

Beijing-based blogger Yin Deyi wrote in an article that the joy of some Chinese people over Japan's earthquake and over the loss of lives is due to CCP's education.

Beijing University ex-Law Professor Yuan Hongbing: “When society is not motivated by love or sympathy, but by a sheer hatred, such a society is terrible, such a society is what Thomas Hobbes referred to when he said that the relationship between people is like the relationship between wolves.”

Hong Kong-based Chinese issue analyst, Li Chongguang, said that in a country without information, freedom of speech or thought, it is difficult for people to establish a comprehensiveand healthy personality and value system. If most young people grew up "on wolf's milk," then the prospects of this society are worrying.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Li Lu

From 新唐人电视
大家都来看"九评共产党" ( VCD, 书)!
Let's find "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"(VCD, books)!

Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!