Thursday, May 26, 2011

浪子回头 一个年轻法轮功学员的故事 The story of a young Falun Gong practitioner (W/ English Sub)







法轮功学员 阿什利梅洛希:“ 我的生活又开始变得有意义了。所有我过去经历的一切苦难,无家可归、疯疯癫癫、失去我拥有的一切、找不到工作、没有办法管理自己的生活,所有的一切都开始变化,因为(通过修炼)我学会了找自己的不足,我懂得了这些我所学的修炼原则都和日常生活紧密相关,在日常生活中做好每一件事都是修炼的一部分。我开始修炼一年之后,我去了卡尔加里,成了一名树艺家,偶然机会成了树艺家,接下来的冬天,我去Humber College读书。这些事情就这么发生了,我开始考虑我的事业、开始考虑我的未来。”







The story of a young Falun Gong practitioner 

The following is the story of a young man, after practicing Falun Gong, he came out from his misery life, and become a positive, optimistic and considerate person.

Let's hear his story.

This happy couple is Ashley and his new wife Miao Miao. And 6 years ago, Ashley was a completely different person.

Donna is one of the first Falun Gong practitioner to know Ashley.

Donna - "Ashley is a confused and troubled person. He has just started practicing Falun Gong. And I had a practice site. And he would come to the practice site every week, so we will do the exercises together, and study the book together."

After practicing Falun Gong, there are great changes in Ashley.

Ashley - "My life started to make sense to me. All the things that I have gone through before that - being homeless, being crazy, losing everything I have, not able to keep a job, not being able to sort of manage my life. All of that started slowly turned and changed, because I learned (through practicing Falun Gong) to look
within myself, I have learnt that these cultivating principles that I learned about are all balanced very carefully with how you run your daily everyday life. And it is all part of the cultivation. And it is about a year after my practice has began, I went to Calgary and became a arborist, started to learn how to be a arborist. And
then the following winter, I went to Humber College. So these kinds of things, I really started to think about my career. I started to think about my future."

His 1st employer had good impression of him.

"Never met someone quite as focused as Ashley, regarding being an expert, being the best arborist."

Ashley's wife - Falun Gong practitioner Miao Miao said about him: "When someone needs his help, he always felt very willing to help, and never considering what he will loss, or that it will occupy his own time."

"In fact, I know he had a troubled childhood, and once he told me, he had a tough life since young, that was why now whenever he saw others suffering, he greatly wanted to help them. "

His high school classmates and friends also felt the changes in him.

"He smiles more. He is more at peace with himself, and at peace with everyone around him. And he looks at the good of people, not the bad in people. And he has become a positive person. When we are around him, we just want to smile."

Ashley who has benefited from practicing Falun Gong, also wants to spread the wonderful principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance' to all people around him.

NTDTV reporter Shi Qing Toronto reports

From 新唐人电视