Sunday, May 15, 2011

法轮功洪传世界 Falun Gong Around the World (W/ English Subtitles)




二零零零年四月二十七日,欧美大法弟子倡议将五月十三日定为“世界法轮大法日”,让全世界更多的政府和人民支持大陆法轮功学员争取信仰自由(合法修炼)权利的正义努力,让世界上更多的人看到法轮大法给人们的健康状况和精神境界带来的巨大变化,让更多的人分享法轮大法给人类带来的精神财富 和根本希望。


仅在北美洲的美国和加 拿大,就有成千上万的人加入了修炼法轮功的行列。美国的50个州中有47个州有法轮大法炼功点。在美国,法轮大法修炼者大多是拥有博士,硕士学位的科学家,工程师,教授,或在读研究生。在其他国家中,也有许多修炼者是各行各业的佼佼者。


[Terri Marsh]我一直在寻找智慧,我读了《转法轮》,立刻知道那就是智慧,毫无疑问,这就是我一直在寻找的智慧,每一句话都是。


在亚洲,除了中国大陆,法轮大法在其它国家和地区也同样拥有众多的学炼者。仅在台湾一地就有数十万人修炼,一千个炼功点几乎遍及全台湾三百多 个乡镇。




法轮功在全世界受到了正面肯定和热烈的欢迎。美国,加拿大与澳洲等国家的政府,鉴于李洪志先生和法轮大法对人类身心健康做出的杰出贡献,纷纷给法轮功颁发荣誉 奖状,宣布了李洪志大师日、法轮大法日、法轮大法周甚至法轮大法月。


法轮大法也称法轮功,由李洪志先生1992年5月13日传出,是佛家上乘修炼大法。法轮功以真善忍为指导,按照宇宙演化原理而修炼。配合五套缓慢柔和的功法,性命双修、身心并炼,最终达 到无私无我,返本归真的境界。实践证明,法轮大法在把真正修炼的人带到高层次的同时,对稳定社会、提高人们的身体素质和道德水准,也起着不可估量的正面作用。






从1992传出到 1999年,短短七年,城市乡村,公园绿地,街头巷尾,经常能看到修炼者炼功的身影。周末的大型集体炼功活动,已成为大城市一个独特的壮观景象。


在严酷的迫害开始后,无数法轮功学员经受住了严峻的考验,依然坚持信仰,实践“真善忍”, 并身体力行维护“真善忍”。法轮功学员多年来和平理性反迫害、争取信仰自由的行为,也赢得了越来越多的外界支持和声援。

[国会议员Chris Smith]对中共说“停止迫害!”

“邪不压正是天理”,当年罗马皇帝残酷迫害早期的基督徒,结果强大的罗马帝 国不复存在了,基督教却在全世界流传开来。



[字幕]世界需要“真、善、 忍”。

Falun Dafa Around the World!

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a spiritual belief from China. In just ten years, Falun Dafa has spread to the whole world, attracting all nations,
all races of people practicing Falun Dafa. This can be said is a miracle.

In United States and Canada, tens thousands of people have joined in the ranks of practicing Falun Gong.

There are Falun Dafa practice sites at 47 states out of 50 states in USA.
In the U.S., most of Falun Dafa practitioners are Ph.D. holders, master's degree scientists, engineers, professors, or graduate students.

In other countries, many practitioners are leaders in all walks of life.

[Yang Sen] (Zhuan Falun) opened my very narrow concept of thinking, and I have found a wide view of the world.

[Nie Sen] I practiced Falun Gong since 1997. Master Li reveals about the profound truth of universe, space,
matter, the human body. It extended and raised the way I view the value of my life and the universe.

Located in the southern hemisphere, there are
Falun Dafa practice sites around the major cities in Australia and New Zealand.

In Asia, beside China, there are many Falun Dafa practitioners in many other countries and regions.

In Taiwan, there are hundreds of thousands of practitioners, a thousand practice sites around three hundred towns throughout Taiwan.

India is the birth land of Buddha Sakyamuni and Buddhism. In India, there are Falun Dafa practices sites at many large cities.

In South America and Africa, Falun Dafa is getting more and more popular.

In Europe, there are Falun Dafa practice sites in 32 countries. Practitioners are mostly Westerners.

Falun Gong has been positively recognised and welcomed by the world.
Many westerners and foreigners became interested in Chinese culture after learning Falun Dafa.

Governments of United States, Canada and Australia, in view of Mr. Li Hongzhi and Falun Dafa's outstanding contributions to human health,
issued Certificates of Merits to Falun Gong, and proclaimed May 13 as Master Li Hongzhi Day, Falun Dafa Day, Falun Dafa week or even Falun Dafa month.

August 21, 2000, Canadian Governor General Adrienne Clarkson sent a letter to congratulate the Canadian Falun Dafa Week.

The letter said: "Through practicing Falun Gong, practitioners achieve inner peace, and gain the kindness to help others,
thus creating a more open, more tolerant society. "

Mr. Li Hongzhi started teaching Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) on May 13, 1992. Falun Gong follows the principles 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', in accordance with the principles and law of cosmic evolution.
Falun Gong has five sets of gentle exercises and it places great emphasize on improving ones' character.

It has proved that Falun Dafa improve practitioners' physical and moral standards,
which also plays an immeasurable positive effect on the stability of the society.

[Guangzhou station report] This month is the National Fitness month. In support of national fitness, China Guangdong
Falun Gong held a large-scale group exercises activities in Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center this morning.

About 3000 Falun Gong practitioners participated in group exercises, and many
passbys also joined in learning the exercises. This activity promotes nationwide fitness.

Many Falun Gong practitioners also talk about their experiences.

"I am a professor at South China University of Technology, Ph.D. advisor. "

"Are there many intellectuals like you who practice Falun Gong? "

"In South China University, there are hundreds of us who practice Falun Gong every day.
From what I have known, there are many experts and professors in every universities who practice Falun Gong. "

"Last time, I had leukemia. Due to chemotherapy, my legs could not walk, and my whole body was very weak. After practicing Falun Gong,
my health has greatly improved, and now I am normal person, and I am now healthier than usual. "

"Falun Gong is not only for fitness. It purifies your heart."

[Shanghai Station report] Early this morning, ten thousand Falun Dafa practitioner gather at the Shanghai Sports Center to promote the exercises.

Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa spread the practice to the public in 1992, and is greatly welcomed by many.

Six years on, Falun Gong stood out from the rest of the qigong because of its refreshing and unique content.

So far, including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and all over China, there are volunteer mass of Falun Gong practice sites. And it has spread to Europe, America, Australia, Asia. About one million people around the world practice Falun Dafa. This is reported by the Shanghai Station.

From 1992 to 1999, in just 7 years, Falun Gong practitioners can be seen in cities, villages, parks, green spaces and streets.

Large group exercises activities held on weekend had become a unique and spectacular sight in cities.

20 July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party led by Jiang Zemin launched the cruel persecution of Falun Gong.

In the face of the cruel persecution, many Falun Gong practitioners stood the severe test and still adhere and protect the belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance".

Over the years, Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful and rational ways to stop the persecution in China, has also won more and more supporters worldwide.

"Justice will always prevail. Good will triumph over the evil." The Roman Emperor cruelly persecuted the early Christians. It resulted in the perish of the powerful Roman Empire, but Christianity has spread to the world.

2000 years have passed, but the persecution of beliefs, once again happened. However, 10 years on, from person to person, heart and heart, Falun Dafa books have been translated into over 30 languages. Falun Dafa has been spread to more than 100 countries around the world.

In this materialistic world, fewer and fewer people believe in God. The emergence of Falun Dafa, has brought to human beings a new hope.