Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wang Lijun, Organ Transplants, and China's Power Struggle


What information did Chinese official Wang Lijun reveal to the US Consulate when he tried to defect back in February? Is it something the US State Department knows, but hasn’t told anyone? 
There is increasing evidence that China’s state-run hospitals have routinely extracted organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and sold them for transplant, and that Wang Lijun once oversaw some of these facilities.
US Congresspersons this week are circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They’re asking the State Department to reveal any information that, “relates to transplant abuses in China, including any documentation that Wang Lijun may have provided to our Consulate.”
That letter follows a congressional hearing last week, the first one ever on forced organ removal from prisoners of conscience in China. 
China Analyst Matt Gnaizda and Dr. Damon Noto, spokesman for Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, join host Shelley Zhang on this episode of China Focus.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!