Sunday, June 2, 2013

本周图片 Photo of the Week - 来自伊朗的加扎娜:“我觉得我是世界上最幸福的人!” Ghazala from Iran: “I feel like the happiest person in the world!”


Ghazala from Iran: “I feel like the happiest person in the world!”

(English Translation Below)

阳光女孩加扎娜(Ghazala)与父亲费瑞波兹(Fariborz Tavanaei)从伊朗迪拜(Dubai)搭乘十四小时飞机来到纽约参加法轮功洪传庆祝活动,他们非常自豪能成其为一部份。






Fariborz Tavanaei and his daughter Ghazala traveled to New York from Iran to participate in the celebration. They said they were both proud to be a part of the event.
Ghazala is a student majoring in media and journalism. She started practicing Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) about two years ago, on the advice of her father. She said: “After practicing, I became more tolerant and understanding. Now, when I am faced with a conflict, I refrain from arguing back, like I used to. Instead, I use the opportunity to upgrade my character. I am kind to everyone. I have harmonious relationships with both my friends and family. I also feel better, both physically and mentally.”
Her father, Fariborz, is a civil engineer and manages a plastic pipe plant. “Before practicing Falun Dafa in 2007, I had always pondered the meaning of life,” he said. “I delved into various beliefs and disciplines, but they all left me feeling empty in the end. Although I lived a good life and had a great job and a happy family, I always felt like something was missing.”
“After learning Dafa, I feel like the happiest person in the world!” he continued. “Dafa has provided me answers to all of life's questions. The more I learn, the more I can upgrade myself and become a better person. Over the last seven years [of practice], my health has greatly improved.”
When he and Ghazala heard about the persecution of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) in China, they became involved in the media. Their goal was to help more people learn about the goodness of Dafa and to help stop the persecution in China.