Sunday, July 17, 2011

来自五湖四海 同心制止迫害 Falun Gong Practitioners from Every Corner of the World Work Together to Stop the Persecution


( On the eve of the 12th anniversary of Falun Gong practitioners' ongoing efforts to end the persecution in China, more than one thousand Falun Gong practitioners from around the world gathered in front of Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on July 14, 2011. Several American congressmen and representatives from international organizations and non-governmental organizations attended the rally to show their support.

比利时的尼克劳斯•舒尔斯 Nicolas Schols from Belgium
比利时的尼克劳斯•舒尔斯(Nicolas Schols)是在一九九九年六月中共发动迫害法轮功的前一个月从朋友那里听说法轮功并开始修炼的。他感觉这是个非常好的修炼方法,自从开始修炼以来,一切都变得美好了。“对中国的修炼者来说,他们经历了一场十分可怕的迫害。”舒尔斯说,他和妻子无论如何也要到华盛顿DC来为中国的法轮功学员进行呼吁,希望国际社会各界关注发生在中国的严重人权践踏。

as Schols from Belgium heard about Falun Gong from a friend before the persecution and started practicing Falun Gong. He feel it is a great cultivation practice. Life started to be better after he started his cultivation in Falun Gong. He said that the practitioners in China were experiencing a terrible persecution. He and his wife came to Washington D.C. to campaign for their fellow practitioners in China. They hoped that the international society would pay attention to the brutal violation of human rights taking place in China.

来自德国的彼德•萨福德曼 Peter Sanftmann from Germany
彼德•萨福德曼(Peter Sanftmann)来自德国,八年前他开始修炼法轮功。“修炼前,我为明天而忧虑到无法正常睡眠。自从修炼了大法,我的心踏实了很多,我对自己说,无论你有多少目标,重要的是今天成就了这些。”他认为:“‘真、善、忍’是世界上任何一个民族的基石。难得的是,这个基本的理论能够得以实践。世界上有很多看起来类似的理论,但是我感到唯有在法轮功里,(真、善、忍)这个信条真实地得到实践。例如在中国,数以千万计的法轮功学员面对生死仍能坚持真善忍。”当听到国会议员们的发言时,他被深深地感动,眼泪止不住流下来。他表示:“我来到华盛顿DC,就是为了参加这个呼吁制止在中国对法轮功迫害的集会。”



Peter Sanftmann from Germany started his cultivation practice eight years ago. He said. “Before cultivation practice, I used worry about the next day and couldn't sleep. But I feel more sure since I started practicing Falun Gong. I tell myself, no matter how many goals you have, what you accomplished today is important...Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are the cornerstones of any nation. These basic principles are rarely put into practice. There are many similar principles in the world, but I feel that they are truly put in practice only in Falun Gong. For example, thousands and thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China remain steadfast in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, even facing the life and death situation of the persecution.” Peter was deeply moved when hearing the speeches of congressmen during the rally. He had tears in his eyes. He said that the reason he came to D.C. was to participate in the rally calling for an end to the persecution.

来自日本的邵女士 Ms. Shao from Japan

Ms. Shao from Japan participated in the activity in D.C. for the first time. She started practicing Falun Gong in 2003. She was so happy that she could join so many practitioners in the United States. She said that the reason for her trip was that she wished to see the persecution end as soon as possible.
几位印度裔法轮功学员,右一为乔伊斯 Johnny Joyce (at right) and other practitioners from India
印度法轮功学员乔伊斯•詹尼(Joyce Johnny)目前在美国一家公司工作,为了制止中共在中国迫害法轮功,他来到华府参加七二零反迫害集会。他感到今天的集会非常好,“我一直想来华盛顿DC参加法轮功的活动,告诉世界法轮大法的美好,呼吁制止在中国对法轮功的迫害。”他还说法轮功在印度很多城市迅速传播,在很多大城市都有不少法轮功学员和学法小组。

Practitioner Johnny Joyce from India works in an American company. He said, “I have been longing to come to this activity in Washington D.C., to tell the world that Falun Dafa is great and to call for an end to the persecution in China.” He told the reporter that Falun Gong was growing fast in India. There are many practitioners and Fa-study groups in the big cities of India.

来自加拿大的殷先生和太太吕女士 Mr. Yin and his wife Mrs. Lu from Canada



Seventy-three-year-old Mr. Yin had attended Master Li's lecture in Guiyang, China, in 1993. He was very happy to see so many people support Falun Gong. He said, “I was very happy to see people support Dafa with such great sense of righteous thought.” Mr. Yin said the culture of the Communist Party (atheism) had poisoned people. His understanding of the value of life was completely changed after he attended Master Li's lectures. Even though he experienced high pressure during the persecution when he was in China, he didn't give up. He said, “I surely won't give up.” His wife Mrs. Lu also treasures the opportunity to cultivate herself and is determined to do well.

From -来自五湖四海-同心制止迫害(图)-243995.html (Chinese), (English)