Monday, March 14, 2011

佳木斯监狱连续虐杀法轮功学员 Continuous torturing of Falun Gong practitioners in Jiamusi Prison (W/ English Sub)




今年2月21日,佳木斯监狱为了强迫法轮功学员放弃信仰,加重迫害,成立了所谓「严管队」。 秦月明、于云刚等共九名法轮功学员被关入「严管队」,警察指使多名刑事犯人围攻暴力殴打他们。





Recently, with the Chinese Communist Party holding the "two meetings", the Falun Gong practitioners again faces another round of large-scale abduction.

Many Falun Gong practitioners who are imprisoned faces another round of forced brainwashing and torture.

Since February 21, 2011, within ten days, Jiamusi prison alone has persecuted to death 3 Falun Gong practitioners.

February 21, 2011, in Jiamusi Prison, in order to force Falun Gong practitioners renounce their faith,

They established a so-called "strict management team" and increased persecution.

Qinyue Ming, Yu Yun Gang, and 9 other Falun Gong practitioners are being held in "strict management team". The police ordered criminals to use violent and assaulted them.

February 26, after 6th days of persecution, Qin Yueming was tortured to death by the "strict management team". He was only 47 years old.

Prison told his family members that his death was due to a heart attack.

But when the family saw his body, they could see Qin Yueming purple lips, bleeding nose, bruises from neck to waist. He was clearly being beaten. Family members asked prison authorities for an explanation, and to issue an official causes of death letter, but was rejected by the prison.

March 1 afternoon, Yu Yun Gang was persecuted to unconsciousness by the "strict management team".

He was in critical condition. He was sent to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University for craniotomy surgical operation,
doctors removed a piece of skull from the head.

March 5 afternoon, Yu Yun Gang died, he was only 48 years old. Dozens of police surrounded Yu Yun Gang's ward, refusing his families to go near the body.

An informed source revealed, March 8 am, Falun Gong practitioner - Liu Zhuan Jiang who was detained at the Jiamusi Prison surveillance zone, was also persecuted to death.

Prison authorities transferred his body immediately, saying Liu Zhuan Jiang died from heart attack.

Currently, Jiamusi Prison jail was closed to outsiders.

NTDTV news Yue Qing reports.
