Tuesday, March 15, 2011

绘画 - 广泛用于法轮功学员身上的酷刑 Paintings - torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners


In China, due to Jiang Zemin’s jealousy of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity, a cruel persecution launced against cultivators of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance began ... ...





Jiang Zemin put three policies in place: “to ruin [Falun Gong practitioners'] reputations, bankrupt [them] financially, and destroy [them] physically.”


长时间高压电击、“狼牙铐”、惩罚性灌食、死人床、性虐待、压床板、水牢、毒打、冰冻, 烈日曝晒、老虎凳、使用大剂量破坏中枢神经药物、铁钉钉指甲缝、“强制堕胎”、开车拖拽、奴工生产、连续几个星期不让睡觉、超强度电针、等等等……

Also, more than a hundred of torture methods:

High-voltage electric shocks, "Spike handcuffed", punitive feeding, dead man bed, sexual abuse, pressure mattress, water dungeon, beaten, frozen, sun exposure, tiger bench, the use of high doses of drugs that damage the central nervous, iron nails into fingernails , "forced abortions", dragging from car, slave labor production, deprived of sleep for weeks, ultra-intensity electric needle, etc ... ...


These torturing methods are used on Falun Gong practitioners, especially those practitioners who do not to give up their belief in Truthfulness, compassion and tolerance.


Even old people, young girls, young mothers who are breastfeeding, and pregnant women are not spared ... .... 
北京女子劳教所恶警毒打,电针电击拒绝放弃法轮功的学员 Beijing Female Labor Camp guards beating, electric shocks practitioners who refused to give up Falun Gong

北京劳教人员调遣处恶警强制学员在烈日下曝晒 稍有晃动便拳打脚踢 Beijing labour camp guards kicked practitioners, made them stand under hot sun.

北京劳教人员调遣处恶警毒打、电击,强行扳着学员手指在保证书上按手印,致一学员手部伤残 Beijing labour camp guards beat practitioners, electric shocks them, forced practitioners to press guarantee thumbprint on the guarantee letter to give up practising Falun Gong, and caused a practitioner's hand to be disabled.

北京女子劳教所恶警毒打,电针电击拒绝放弃法轮功的学员 Beijing Female Labor Camp guards beating, electric shocks practitioners who refused to give up Falun Gong

北京拘留所恶警在冬季,将学员绑在户外椅子上,往脖子里浇水,然后在通风口冻着 Beijing detention center guards tied practitioners to a chair, splashed water onto their body, and chilled them outside in cold winter.

北京拘留所恶警在冬季户外,将学员衣服脱光,从头向下浇冷水 Beijing detention center guards stripped practitioners' clothes, and splashed cold water on them.

北京拘留所恶警在冬季户外,强迫学员穿很少的衣服,光着脚在地上跑 Beijing detention center guards forced practitioners to wear very little clothes, and made them run barefooted on the ground in winter.

被非法关押于北京女子劳教所的学员因喊“法轮大法好”被恶警毒打,塞在水池下,并被强迫做奴工 Practitioners were illegally detained at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp for shouting "Falun Dafa is Good". They were beaten by the guards, stuffed under the sink and were forced to do slave labour.

Forced Feeding 强迫进食