Representatives from Around the World Condemn Live Organ Harvesting (Photos)
October 17, 2012
( Wang Lijun, the deputy mayor of Chongqing overseeing public security, fled into the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu in February 2012, seeking protection. During his 24-hour stay at the Consulate, Wang surrendered many classified documents including evidence of the horrific organ harvesting practices. News about exposing this crime against humanity shocked the world and made many elected representatives in democratic countries condemn it.
Letter Signed by 106 U.S. Congressmen Request that the State Department Release Information on Organ Harvesting in China

Joint open letter to Secretary of State, Signed by 106 US representatives, asks the department to make public information related to organ harvesting
106 U.S. Congressmen signed a “Dear Colleague Letter” addressed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on October 3, 2012, expressing their concerns about the forced organ harvesting in China, and requesting that the State Department release the information they have on this very important matter. The letter was co-sponsored by Representative Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), and circulated in the House. In their letter to Secretary Clinton, they stated: We therefore ask that the State Department release any information it may have that relates to transplant abuses in China, including any documentation that Wang Lijun may have provided to our Consulate in Chengdu.
Taiwan Legislative Member Requests Registration for People Who Travel to Mainland for Organ Transplants

Tien Chiu-chin, a Taiwan legislative member, questioned Chiu Wen-ta, minister of Taiwan Health Department. She requested registration for people who travel to China for organ transplants.
Chiu Wen-ta, minister of health, held a hearing at the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan Congress) on October 4. Legislative member Tien Chiu-chin questioned the minister about organ harvesting in China. She pointed out that Taiwan ranked No. 1 in patients who traveled to China for organ transplants, and requested that the ministry register patients who received organs from China. Tien said that China has a huge live organ market, and Taiwanese patients might unknowingly become accomplices of organ harvesting if they go to China for transplants. Minister Chiu replied that his department will discuss the issue with experts from the Taiwan Kidney Research Association.
Danish Parliament Member Calls Live Organ Harvest Immoral and Unacceptable

minister of health.
On October 2, regarding allegations of the Chinese Communist Party’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, Peter Skaarup, Danish Parliament member and deputy chair of the People’s Party, wrote an inquiry letter to his ministers of Foreign Affairs and Health. He requested that the Danish government express its stand on this issue to the Chinese government. Mr. Skaarup wrote: I inquire about this organ harvesting issue because I believe this is very cruel for human beings. The Danish government should tell the Chinese government that such a crime is not acceptable in 2012.
President of Human Rights Commission Calls for End to Forced Organ Harvesting in China
The twenty-first meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held on September 10-28, 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Chinese Communist Party’s atrocities of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners were exposed during the meeting. Mr. Marc Falquet, president of the Human Rights Commission, Parliament of Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, issued a statement condemning the crimes of forced organ harvesting and calling on Chinese officials to take action to stop the crimes.

Mr. Marc Falquet, president of the Human Rights Commission, Parliament of Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Second Deputy Speaker of the Presidium of Danish Parliament Condemns Organ Harvesting in China

Søren Espersen, member of the Presidium of the Danish Parliament, the second deputy speaker, and member of the central board of the Danish People’s Party
On September 17, 2012, during the 21st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mr. Espersen was interviewed by New Tang Dynasty TV. He expressed that he has been concerned about the organ harvesting in China. He said that he has read articles about it on International Herald Tribune, an American newspaper. “It is hard to imagine that such crimes exist in the world,” he said.
Mr. Espersen said, “I am convinced that there is so much evidence now, it must be true. If it is true, it is a terrible international human rights crime that the Chinese government is committing.”
Member of the National Council of Switzerland: Bring Culprits of Live Organ Harvesting to Justice

Mr. Mauro Poggia, member of the National Council of Switzerland
In September, Mr. Mauro Poggia, member of the National Council of Switzerland, issued an open letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council calling for investigation of the live organ harvesting atrocities. He stated:
These abominable crimes must be denounced, an international commission of enquiry formed without delay, and those responsible brought to trial with the firmest determination.
Chairman of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee Calls Crime Against Humanity

Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
The U.S. Congress held an “Organ Harvesting of Religious and Political Dissidents by the Chinese Communist Party” hearing on September 12, which was chaired by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, chair of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee. Mr. Rohrabacher said, “Organ Harvesting is ‘the act of the devil’… This [live organ harvesting] is a crime against humanity and we should do our best identify those specific individuals who were engaged in this and put them on the list of people who deserve to be brought to justice.”
House Human Rights Subcommittee: This Barbaric Human Rights Abuse Must be Stopped
At the September 12 Congressional hearing, Christopher H. Smith, of the Africa, Global Health and Human Rights Subcommittee said, “Chinese military doctors maybe engaged in organ harvesting from living prisoners in Chinese camps and prisons. The victims are ethnic minorities, and members of Falun Gong. Members of the spiritual movement unjustly held, abused, and subjected to psychological and physical torture for nothing more than fidelity to Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. This probability pushes us into the horrific beyond. Beyond the challenge of our language, making the word barbaric too common of a world. If this true, even the powerful legal term of ‘Crime Against Humanity’ seems inadequate…This barbaric human rights abuse must be stopped!”
Irish Senator: Hope Such Evil Practice Will Not Happen Again

Irish Senator David Norris
David Norris, a senior Irish Senator, has spoken out several times in the Senate to condemn the CCP’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. In July 2012, he once again expressed his deep concern about live organ harvesting in China, and his hope that the evil practice will not happen again.
Italian Parliament Member: Sponsor Resolution to End Persecution
Renato Farina, an Italian Parliament member, noted that the U.S. Immigration Bureau had already included a question on live organ harvesting to immigrants, and Italy fell behind on this. He said that he would submit a “Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong” resolution to the Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee.

U.S. nonimmigrant visa application form question, “Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs or bodily tissue?” was added in June 2011.
State Department Report Cites Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
The U.S. Department of State published the “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011” on May 24, 2012. For the very first time, a U.S. government report raised the issue of live organ harvesting. It stated:
“Overseas and domestic media and advocacy groups continued to report instances of organ harvesting, particularly from Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs.”
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!