September 30, 2012
( The 21st conference of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held from September 10 to 28, 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) atrocities of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners were exposed during the meeting. Mr. Mauro Poggia, Member of the National Council of Switzerland, pointed out in an open letter: “These abominable crimes must be denounced, an international commission of enquiry formed without delay, and those responsible brought to trial with the firmest determination.”

Mr. Mauro Poggia, Member of the National Council of Switzerland
At 3 p.m. on September 17, an international human rights workshop titled “Freedom of Peaceful Assembly” was held in the conference room of United Nations Palace of Nations. The CCP’s live organ harvesting was the focus of the seminar. Mr. Poggia issued an open letter calling for exposure and investigation of the CCP’s atrocities.
A translation is provided below:
While regretting that my parliamentary obligations do not permit me to be among you today, I nevertheless wish to share with you my deep dismay at seeing to what point the base economic ends of Western States towards China allows that Government to flout with impunity, with cynicism and monstrous cruelty, fundamental human rights, and primarily the first of these rights, the right to Life.
There is no longer any doubt today that a massive and lucrative traffic in organs is practised with the complicity of the Chinese Communist Party, not only on those condemned to death through common law, but also on political prisoners and peace-loving Falun Gong practitioners, considered as enemies of the state, detained, tortured and executed, with international indifference, despite pleas for help sent out over the past years.
Tens of thousands of individuals disappear and are detained without trial, building up a veritable reservoir of living organs, awaiting a compatible recipient to sound their execution bell.
These abominable crimes must be denounced, an international commission of enquiry formed without delay, and those responsible brought to trial with the firmest determination.
Every human rights violation worldwide must be fought without respite, and this is not to make a hierarchy in horror. Nevertheless, when similar atrocities, committed on such a grand scale, are on the increase in a country that cannot even claim a serious conflict situation, free human beings to which we have the good fortune to belong, have the duty to stand up and to cry out their pain insofar and as long as they are not heard.
It is the suffering of these martyrs that we must hear today, but also and above all, the suffering of all those for whom we are the only voice, and without which they also risk disappearing, in the comfortable indifference of money.
The intolerable is not to be tolerated!
Thank you for your attention.
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?