Persecution of people an essential part of Communism, say Canadian lawyers
By Vladimir Borodin
Epoch Times Russia Staff

Member of Canada’s parliament, former Canadian secretary of state for the Asian-Pacific region, David Kilgour speaking at the public rally on November 15, 2007 in Kiev Independence Square, about the new evidence on state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China. (Vladimir Borodin/The Epoch Times)
With the 75th anniversary of “The Great Famine” coming up, Ukrainians are becoming more and more aware about the crimes committed by the Communist Party, and not only about the bygone Soviet party, but also about the existing Chinese Communist Party.
On November 14, David Matas, international human rights lawyer, made a speech at the conference “Legal mechanisms of international influence on totalitarian communist regimes in order to stop their evil deeds,” which took place in Kiev.

Canadian dignitaries speaking at the public rally on November 15, 2007 in Kiev, about new evidence on state-sanctioned organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. (Vladimir Borodin/The Epoch Times)
In his speech, David Matas emphasized that communism affects every country and every nation. “Crimes that are being committed against Falun Gong are not only China’s problem, just as “The Great Famine” is not only the Ukraine’s concern. The persecution of people is an essence of communism,” said Matas.
Representatives from more than 25 organizations from different countries gathered to condemn crimes of communism, those committed in the past as well as those taking place right now. The participants agreed on the necessity of condemning the communist ideology in Ukraine.

David Matas, international human rights lawyer, at the conference “Legal mechanisms of international influence on totalitarian communist regimes in order to stop their evil deeds.” (Vladimir Borodin/The Epoch Times)
“This visit to Ukraine is very important to us because similar events happened here in the past. In the 1930s, during “The Great Famine,” millions of people were exterminated here. At that time, communists insisted that it had never happened, just like now the Chinese Communist Party denies harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners,” said David Matas.
According to Matas, governments of many countries they have visited have begun to bring up this problem with China’s leadership. Physicians do not recommend their patients go there for organ transplantation, and some countries issued laws forbidding their citizens from going to China for this purpose.
“The most important thing is that recently the Communist Party has changed the law banning the sale of organs in China,” a former member of Canada’s parliament, and a former Canadian secretary of state for the Asian-Pacific region, David Kilgour remarked. “We need to follow it up and watch if they really do it.”
After releasing their investigation report titled “Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China,” Kilgour and Matas have been traveling to more than 40 countries in a global mission to raise awareness of the practice, which they conclude to be “a form of evil yet to be seen on this planet.”
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!